Partnering with the awesome folks over at Roger I was tasked with with creating the concept for CNN's Original's new docu-series, The History of Comedy. Two teasers and a 30 second promotional spot were created along with extensive digital and out of home assets.
"This new CNN Original Series explores what makes us laugh, why, and how that's influenced our social and political landscape throughout history"
The concept: what if comedy was high art?
Dozens of humorous takes on famous comedy spots were recontextualized into their new mediums - Milton's stapler from Office Space as contemporary uber-sculpture, the installation of Nigel Tufnell's amplifier from This Is Spinal Tap that "Goes to eleven", and the pièce de résistance - The giant marble statue of Chris Farley from the infamous SNL sketch "Chippendale Audition" in all its glory.
The live action spots combined practical, CG and digitally painted elements in a real life art gallery setting.
Creative Direction: Dane Macbeth, Tom O'Neill Director: Terry Lee Executive Producer: Josh Libitzky Lead Design: Braden Wheeler Producer: Anne Pendola
Art Gallery Installs
CNN History of Comedy artwork
CNN History of Comedy Out of Home